Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been offering post Postgraduate program (Master of Technology) in Digital Electronics and Communication Systems (DECS) since 2012 for aspiring UG students to fulfill their desire to acquire higher education. The Digital Electronics and Communication (DECS) course is designed to impart knowledge on advanced topics in Digital Electronics and Communication. The course gives an overview of different digital communication techniques used in the present scenario. It also gives an overview about the usage of hardware languages in design and implementation.
The course covers wide range of computer-based tools that assist engineers in their design activities. It involves both software and special-purpose hardware. The course provides students with a solid scientific/technical background and research capabilities in the design, development and manufacture of electronic devices and systems used in a wide spectrum of applications. From household appliances to sophisticated satellite communication, from electronic ignition to neural networks and signal processing chips, it integrates academic discipline with project-based engineering applications, classroom learning theory with real world experiences.
The curriculum of this course is in pace with the needs of present technological developments and industry. The programme is conducted by well qualified learned faculty as well as experts invited from reputed institutions and industries. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (DECS) is established in 2012. It offers M.Tech programme with a student intake of 18.
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