• Well established Training and Placement cell
  • Central database of each and every student in the college manifests their technical and employable skills.
  • Impart Special training for mediocre students
  • Tie-ups with external industry expert agencies like Globarina, Lemonpro Technologies and Talent Sprint etc., to train and prepare the students for
  • industry.
  • To organize personality development programs, Seminars, Workshops and inviting Industry experts for visiting the campus etc.
  • MOU with various companies

Placement guidelines for Academic

Introduction :

Placements are benchmark to the performance of any management institute and it depicts the success and the growth of the institutions.

The Placement Cell of ESWAR plays a vital role and is gradually becoming a key department of the institute. The competition for employment is increasing every day and the job of placement is becoming a challenging one. Our Placement cell is performing the following activities:-
Arranging Winter/Summer training for students.
Inviting various organizations for campus recruitment.
Training to suit various needs of industry.

The Objective of the placement cell is to facilitate the process of placement & ensure that each eligible student gets an opportunity to face an Interview.

Adding to it, the endeavor of the Placement cell is to ensure 100% placement assistance to all the students The Cell is assisted by student placement coordinators who lead a team of placement representatives. The placement Cell ensures and takes care to provide the best arrangements and hospitality for the visiting companies’ officials.

Placement Procedure

A. Eligibility Criteria; Students will be eligible for participating in the placement process on the following grounds

  • i) the students have cleared all tuition fee dues.
  • ii) Students secured attendance 80% & above.

B. Pre-Placement Activities

  • Following are the Pre-Placement activities that need to be done by the Student Representatives in coordination with the Student Coordinator & under the guidance of Placement Coordinator;
  • A list of companies / organizations with Address, contact details,concerened HR/person etc to be maintained.
  • Preparation of a Placement write-up / Brochure.
  • An invitation letter that is to be sent to the company/Organizations.
  • A Corporate presentation.
  • A register to record calls made to the companies / organizations should be maintained on daily basis.
  • Send invitation & documents containing the relevant information to the companies.
  • Companies/organization will send their consent to participate in the process along with expected profiles.
  • The details are made available to the students via Notice Board.
  • Suitable dates for Pre-Placement Talk (PPT from here on) will be decided after discussions between the company and the Placement Cell.
  • After confirmation from the company, students are notified for the PPT date.
  • The company visits campus and conducts its PPT.
  • The company may also, if interested, conduct selections for summer internships of the first year students on the same day.
  • Standard Format should be maintained for all the companies for the purpose of declaration of the names of selected students.

Planning Activities:

  • A standard format of Resume is to be given to the students for Resume Preparation
  • Placements can be done on a rolling/weekly/fortnightly basis depending upon the no. of companies registered for campus recruitment.
  • The Placement Cell allots a date to the company as per the ranking by the students. The company is ranked on the basis of following parameters:
  • Job profile and growth prospects.
  • The package being offered by the company.
  • Past record of recruitment.
  • Feedback from the students regarding the company.
  • The placement cell needs to follow-up with the companies regarding for the finalization of the dates.
  • The company can confirm or negotiate the dates with the placement cell.
  • Resumes of the interested students (if required) are made available to the companies for the purpose of short listing.
  • The list of short listed students is mailed to the Placement Cell prior to the campus selection date.

C. During the Placement

  • Companies visit the campus on the given date and conduct the written technical/aptitude test, group discussion/personal interview as a part of their selection procedure.
  • The company/organization is required to furnish the final list of selected students as soon as possible after the final completion of procedure.
  • The selected students may or may not be allowed to sit in further job interviews as per the placement policy of the institute.
  • The Student representatives of the placement should make necessary arrangement for the company official visiting the campus for selection.

D. Post-placement Activities

The Placement Coordinator has to follow with the concerned person in the respective company/ies to get the Appointment Letter of the selected candidates at the earliest along with their joining date.

(The policy is subject to change at a later stage at the discretion of the Placement Cell. The changes made, if any, at a later stage will be notified to all concerned.)